BS4 Retail

How to improve in-store traffic: counting is the first step

2019 November 7

Counting customer traffic in your retail store is important and a source of essential data to grow your business, increasing the volume of customers within your physical retail store is just as necessary.
Often online customers disassociate themselves from the physical store and this causes a loss of traffic, site optimization is not the only step.
Various techniques must be implemented both to convert traffic from online to physical retail store and to attract a greater number of total customers, in order to grow the business and the turnover.

Facilitate and encourage customers' physical approach

Often on online stores the address and the surroundings of the physical store are hidden, there must always be a well structured and easy to view "Contacts" page.
A more direct way to increase traffic is the creation of exclusive special offers for in-store sales and to show in the online store the quantity of products that are physically present in-store.
In this way customers can confirm the presence of the product they are interested in, and the moment they go to buy it, the possibility of further sales is raised.
Use the BS4 traffic counting technology to confirm that the strategies applied are working and to what extent.

If you don’t have an onine store read Retailers against the web to get better traffic.